Sunday, November 07, 2010

John Shelby Spong and the Hereafter

When I first started this blog five years ago, people told me "your ideas remind me of Bishop Spong," the liberal theologian and former Bishop of the Episcopal church. Having never read him (as one just starting to emerge out of the sheltered enclave of the evangelical subculture), I checked out his books. In a way, these people were right. Spong was coming to similar conclusions as I, saying we should rescue the Bible from fundamentalists and that the popular literal and narrow interpretation of scripture is nonsensical (e.g. on gays, women, inerrancy, etc). While still embracing Jesus as one who revealed God and encouraging us to follow his example of selfless love.

Yet upon closer examination, I decided Spong goes too far. He seemed to doubt almost everything, concluding there was no supernatural elements in the Bible including the resurrection. Those positions seemed to me to be just as "fundamentalist" as the literalists, by deciding on these issues, not on the merit of objective biblical scholarship itself, but from a preconceived position. Like other progressives like Garry Wills would, I still feel that way. However, after seeing Spong speak last month in Seattle (touting his new book, Eternal Life: A New Vision), I have a new appreciation for his spiritual journey. I found him to be delightful, sensible, and full of compassion. And, one who believes in life after death, albeit without telling us exactly what it will be like. (I mean, who can?)

That's exactly what the new movie Hereafter does as well. Although sometimes excruciatingly slow, the movie gives us a glimpse of a place beyond death where light and peace await, without labeling a source of the light as God or Christ. Hereafter seems to base its theory of beyond on the many near death experiences that have been documented. Spong's book doesn't focus on those but is based on Spong's own personal research and vision for experiencing eternity starting now in a way that transcends religion. To me, the movie and Spong's book is at the very least a wonderful sign of spiritual yearning and sense most people seem to intrinsically possess, which is a stark contradiction to the popular view of materialism. Just some of my observations.


angus said...

In your "about me" you define yourself as a "believer in Christ". Could you tell me please what that means?

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I'm glad you came to the conclusion that Bishop Spong's core beliefs are too extreme for you as I came to the same conclusion. I'm sure he means well, but he's gone so far outside Christian belief, I'm not even sure he could be consider a Christian at this time by anyone other than new agers and people that don't know any better.

I have known about this blog for a while now and I have to say that I respect your opinion and experience as you seem to be very logical in your approach. I'm currently not as liberal as you are on a lot of the issues you discuss, but your stances are about as liberal as I could imagine myself getting. I'm glad you stick to the core beliefs and debate everything else. I do the same thing.

You opinions seem to be focused on the belief in a "culturally ideal" Christianity as you seem to combine full preterism, universal reconciliation, law of love sexuality, and core Christian theology (I also think your views on Abortion are the most logical I've seen from a liberal Christian btw). With these combined opinions, it seems to make this form of Christianity into a modernists dream religion and something just about everyone would be comfortable with...This makes me a bit nervous since we're assuming God's preferences actually match our own collective ones today, but that would be great if they did and I will not dismiss that possibility for a second.

I'm still not sure all of these combined elements are biblically sound, but I still have more research to do. I've seen a few potential weaknesses in some of the arguments made and eventually I'll comment about them in the article pages. I would like to encourage you to keep blogging your thoughts and always keep an open mind, even for the fundamentalists.

In Christ,


Michael said...

Angus, sorry your comment fell through the cracks. For me, a believer in Christ is someone who trusts that Jesus' Way of love and life is the solution to the social problems of our world, including one's personal problems. It doesn't mean "believing Jesus took the punishment I deserved on the cross." God was in the business of forgiving and restoring people long before Christ.

Michael said...

Anonymous, Thanks so much for your comment and kind words. In response to your comment: >> With these combined opinions, it seems to make this form of Christianity into a modernists dream religion and something just about everyone would be comfortable with...This makes me a bit nervous since we're assuming God's preferences actually match our own collective ones today...<<

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion. A progressive Christianity can also be extremely uncomfortable when one realizes the call to love, forgive, include, and fight evil through nonviolent love. Cheers, Michael